TRADUI provides you with a comprehensive and specialized consulting offer in business intelligence, project management, and controlling.
Our consulting experts have a profound knowledge of their respective industries, as well as long years of project experience and thorough technical and specialized know how.
To offer you a capable data and report management, which can maximize the value added in your business processes, we continuously work on individual and customized solutions for our customers. We focus on creating reports and analyses, which we process visually and substantially ambitious based on BIRT. Additionally we manage, consolidate and provide data for your reports.
According to your requirements we integrate your reporting seamlessly into your business processes.
Based on our long years of experience in asset management we are happy to support you with software selection and implementation as well as project management.
Feel free to contact us without any commitment if you would like to exploit the full potential of your data and gain a competitive advantage.

Your advantages with TRADUI
comprehensive and specialized
technical and specialized know how
long years of project experience
profound knowledge of industries
customized and individual