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Annual result 2018: investment pays off
“We are continuously investing in the further development of our products and our employees – and that pays off,” CEO Thorsten Junike reported at the announcement of the annual results. TRADUI Technologies GmbH increased its sales by 27% in 2018 and thus achieved a similar result as in the previous year (+33%). The company recorded a significant increase in both software licensing and consulting.
In the course of the year, the product development and consulting teams were strengthened by three specialists. Employee capacity grew by 22% during this period. In addition to a large number of successfully completed customer projects, this growth also enabled the further development of TRADUI products in order to meet additional customer needs and develop new customer segments.
“Our solutions make it possible to extract useful information from structured and unstructured data,” says Junike, summarising TRADUI’s promise of benefits. “We are thus supporting the digitization strategy of our customers and are in a market that is continuing to grow, so that we can look to the future with confidence”.