The right solution for everyone!
TRADUI - From reporting to data analysis!
Our server suite and plugins provide you with a powerful enterprise platform for reporting, analytics and planning. We maintain this high level of performance by continuously enhancing demand-driven features and automatization capabilities, as well as our individual support. This makes our product portfolio the ideal solution for every type of company.
Our BIRD Suite
BIRD is an acronym for Business Intelligence and Reporting Desk. The products of our BIRD Suite (servBIRD, dashBIRD, dashBIRD Studio, BIRD Applications) provides the end user and power user with a powerful reporting and analytics platform.
Powerful report server
The feature-rich BI-server-system opens up new possibilities for your reporting. servBIRD not only masters tasks such as administration, authentication and report creation, but also simplifies the complete flow of information in your company and with your customers by means of automation and central control.
BIRT users can easily upload their existing reports and take advantage of servBIRD’s extensive features.
Interactive and dynamic dashboards
dashBIRD is servBIRD’s module for generating personalized dashboards. Simply and quickly create interactive dashlet components to visualize information in an optimal and compact way – also supports tablets and smartphones!
Self-Service Solution
With the standalone dashBIRD Studio, users from all departments are able to create their own dashboards to use for visualizing their data. Dashboards created with dashBIRD Studio also support tablets and smartphones.
Develop applications quickly and effectively
Simply and easily develop interactive data components and applications or draw up your planning on the same platform as your reports. The use of templates and existing infrastructure drastically reduces the development effort for small technical applications.
BIRT Plugins
Our BIRT plugins out-of-the-box extend the open source stack with important and convenient features. They save your report developers considerable time and effort. Our plugins work detached from the server in your development- and production environment and do not interfere with other Eclipse extensions/plugins. The Plugin Core with its central features forms the basis for all other plugins.
Analysis and documentation for BIRT reports
Our analysis- and documentation-tool offers a quick and
compact overview of components used in a BIRT report.